We are people of a particular history, our own personal life journeys, and the shared faith journey of the people of God. The history of Newport NCC goes back to early days in Newport when Hope Congregational Church was organized in 1899. The Methodist Episcopal Church, eventually renamed Memorial Methodist Church, was organized in 1903.
Both churches weathered “The Great Newport Fire”
of 1910 and the Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919. The two
churches eventually joined together as a federated
church in 1961, after Memorial Methodist Church
burned, becoming the United Church of Christ. The
congregation affiliated with United Church of Christ in
In 1980, fire destroyed the UCC church, leaving only the annex (Fireside Room, offices, and
restrooms) undamaged. St. Anthony’s Catholic Church almost immediately invited Newport UCC to worship
in their building in the interim, and the adventure of rebuilding began. The rebuilding of the church facility was like a phoenix rising from the ashes. On May 22, 1983, the new sanctuary was dedicated. Some in our church family still have memories from those days.
Our congregation has always strived to serve the needs
of the Newport community. On a regular basis we deliver
food to local food banks and take part in school and civic
activities. A number of local small business owners attend
Newport Community Church.
After being affiliated with the UCC denomination for
nearly six decades, our church family decided to part ways
in 2023. NCC is entirely independent and a
non-denominational church. We are self-governed,
self-financed, and self-replicating! Since the congregation
has been a part of the Newport community for over one-hundred years, we thought no better name could be chosen than “Newport Community Church”. We hope you will visit and decide to become a part of our likeable and God-fearing family!
info provided via collaboration: Larry Stalley, and historian Becky Anderson (former pastors)